24-Hour Response Time

Mold Symptoms

Why Choose 360MOLD:

Professionally Insured

Accurate In-Home Estimates

Nationally Certified

Guaranteed Workmanship

Timely Response

Scheduled Appointment Times

Professionally Insured

Accurate In-Home Estimates

Nationally Certified

Guaranteed Workmanship

Timely Response

Scheduled Appointment Times

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our services or if you suspect you have mold, contact us today and we will be glad to help you!

DISCLAIMER: 360MOLD does NOT and CANNOT make medical statements, health claims or diagnoses of any kind. Nothing on this website or statements made directly are intended to replace the counsel, diagnosis or treatment of your licensed healthcare professional and you should seek those professionals for such advice as they pertain to your health.

Mold Symptoms in Colorado typically manifest themselves in three different ways:

Allergic Symptoms

Toxic Symptoms

Infections or Other Immune System Issues

Why you should get a mold inspection

A simple mold inspection can save a lot of trouble if indeed an individual is unaware that they have mold allergies. If detected, mold remediation and mold removal solutions can be quickly implemented in order to get you and your family back to good health.

Allergenic molds

Those molds that can cause allergic reactions in individuals that are sensitive or ‘allergic’ to them. Have you ever been asked by a healthcare provider if you were allergic to Penicillin? There is a strong correlation to mold allergies and this important antibiotic which is derived from Penicillium mold species – the same green, ‘velvety’ stuff typically found growing on a piece of bread or other food.

Mold symptoms in the form of allergies are similar to any type of allergy. The immune system can identify certain mold spores as dangerous and will then fight them off in order to remove them from the body. It is possible that over time and with extended exposure that the allergic reactions could be acquired or become more severe. 

In many cases, persons will have allergic reactions to mold and never truly identify the cause. For this reason, it is recommended that whenever you move into a new home or property that you ask if a mold inspection has taken place recently.

Pathogenic molds

Individuals who already have certain immune-suppressed or autoimmune issues such as Asthma, arthritis, HIV/AIDS, cancer chemo patients, newborn babies (undeveloped immune systems) and others are a more susceptible population to fungal/respiratory infections and other immune response issues.

Toxigenic molds

In this highly publicized (and inaccurate label) “toxic black mold” category it actually is not so much the mold spores causing the issue. Rather certain species of molds can produce and release toxic compounds, or ‘mycotoxins’, and when exposed at high enough rates all or much of the population may have negative health responses according to published research. Some sources suggest no clear correlation has been proven between mycotoxin exposure and negative health impact but generally agree there is data in favor of the theory of health concerns and agree more research is needed.

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